Monday, May 28, 2012

6th Week

This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period which spans from the 6th to 10th weeks of pregnancy or the 4th or 8th weeks of fetal development. This period is crucial for our baby's organ development. Most malformations originate during this critical period. Although our baby's heart is no bigger than a poppy seed right now, it may be possible to see baby's heartbeat on an ultrasound screen; our baby's lungs have formed and the brain is beginning to develop. Over the next 5 months, more than 100 billion neurons will be formed in the brain, laying the necessary groundwork for a lifetime of learning. By the end of this week, our baby will be 2-4mm (0.08-0.16 in) long from crown to rump (distance from the top of the baby's head to its rump or buttocks). 

Personally Pooja is unable to eat much and has aversion to all types of smells including incense sticks.  But loves some perfumes and feels like eating vada sambar... but i again forgot to get it for her.  She gets angry at unknown things and reasons... but better than last 2 weeks. today 28th may we visited the doctor and she confirmed all is well and going as per the normal conditions.  weight is upto 72 kgs something.  Slowly she is getting more and more cute.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pooja's 5th week pregnancy

Ok its late to start but its never too late...this is how our 5 week old baby might wife pooja is already having morning sickness, lots of tiredness and and will continue till mid-july.  She started to hate certain type of foods and likes chocolates, bhaji pav etc etc...