Monday, September 3, 2012

20 Weeks

Over the last four weeks, our baby has grown an incredible amount, and has just about quadrupled his weight. He's big enough that we should be feeling fluttering or quickening quite regularly now. In fact, from his movements we may be able to tell if your baby is awake or asleep. Our baby is anywhere from 20 - 26 cm (8 to 10 inches) long and weighs 285-300 grams (10-11oz).

Our baby has started to practice breathing motions, even though his lungs are not yet mature enough to breathe enough air to allow him to survive outside mother's body. Lanugo (the fine hair) covers your baby's whole body, and hair on his scalp is beginning to grow. Our baby's ears are fully functional now and he enjoys the sound of uterine noise. All the organs and structures of our baby's body are formed and our baby is now entering a period of simple growth.

19 Weeks

This is an impressive week for growth! Our baby weighs approximately 250 grams (8-9 ounces) and is about 15 to 19 cm (6 to 7.5 inches) long.

If we are having a girl, her ovaries now contain primitive egg cells. Lanugo (a covering of fine soft hair) appears all over the baby's body. This fine hair will remain until birth draws nearer. Sometimes you can still see some on the baby's face and ears after birth. Also apparent is vernix, a milky white covering that protects our baby's skin from its aquatic environment. Can you imagine how wrinkled you'd get if you were in water for nine months? The placenta continues to grow and offer nourishment for our baby while the permanent teeth buds are forming behind the already formed milk teeth buds. Growth becomes rapid now and your baby begins to store iron for the production of red blood cells. Our baby can even dream!

18 Weeks

Our baby is growing rapidly. His bones are continuing to harden and the pads of his fingers and toes are formed. He even has his own set of fingerprints developing as well. Our baby is approximately 5.5 inches and weighs about 200 grams (7.5 ounces).

Our baby can kick, swallow, and sleep. He also is developing his stomach, intestine and colon and the intestines are collecting meconium (the initial stool a baby will pass after birth). If the baby is a boy, the prostate will begin to develop this week as well. The skin is still a bit pink and transparent and his ears still stick out from his head. The four-chambered heart begins to build up muscle cells and is pumping between 25 and 30 quarts of blood per day. 

17 Weeks

Our baby will begin to form fat this week. The fat begins to deposit under his skin and is important in heat production and metabolism. At delivery, fat will account for 2-6 percent of our baby's total body weight. This will help him maintain his body temperature when he is born. Our baby is approximately 5 inches long and weighs in at about 140-145 grams (5 ounces). This means that the baby now weighs more than the placenta.

If we were to get an abdominal x-ray (which isn't recommended and could be dangerous), our baby's skeleton would be visible. His movements are becoming stronger and more frequent now. Reflex movements are fully functional as our baby will regularly suck and swallow and loud noises outside the uterus may actually cause the baby to startle.

16 Weeks

Our baby's nails are well formed and some babies are even in need of having their nails trimmed at birth. Our baby is emptying his or her bladder every 40-45 minutes. The limb movements are becoming more coordinated and vigorous. The head is erect and the legs are developed. Both the gender and muscle movements are easily detectable with ultrasound. Our baby is approximately 4 inches long and weighs about 80-85 grams (3 ounces).

15 Weeks

Rapid growth of our baby continues at this point. The skin is very thin and the blood vessels can be seen clearly underneath. The scalp hair pattern is developing while fine hair (called lanugo) covers the baby's body. Our baby is approximately 12-14 cm (3.7 to 4.1 inches) and weighs about 50 grams (1.75 to 2 ounces).

Our baby's taste buds already look like a mature adult's and the amniotic fluid that surrounds it can smell strongly of curry, cumin, garlic, onion and other essences from a mother's diet. Our baby's bones continue to harden and retain calcium very rapidly. At this point in the pregnancy the placenta will begin to take on the job of hormone production to sustain the pregnancy, which was the job of your ovaries up to this point. Our baby's eyelids are now firmly shut, and will stay closed until the third trimester.

Monday, July 23, 2012

14 weeks

While in the first trimester the focus was on the creation of the various body systems, from this point on the emphasis will be on fetal growth. Our baby will start growing at a rapid rate. In fact this month alone our baby will be doubling in length and quadrupling in weight. Our baby's ears have moved from the neck to the sides of the head. Eyes have been gradually moving from the side of the head to the front of the face. The neck continues to get longer, and the chin no longer rests on the chest. Sexual development continues. It is even more obvious to tell a male baby from a female baby just by looking at the external genitalia. Our baby is the size of your fist measuring at about 4 inches (about 9cm) and weighing almost 1 oz (25g). 

Pooja is now feeling better than before and starting little work.  She can feel the baby move inside and the baby usually starts movement in the night....looks like we will have sleepless nights wen she comes.

Monday, July 16, 2012

13 Weeks

Our baby is growing rapidly; its growth is particularly noticeable from now through about 24 weeks. The baby has doubled in length since the 7th week, measuring at 2½ to 3 inches long (6.5-7.8cm) and weighing at about ½ and ¾ oz (13-20g) roughly the size of a peach. Changes in the fetal weight have also been tremendous during the last 8-10 weeks of pregnancy. One interesting change is the slowdown in growth of baby's head compared to the rest of the body. By week 21 the head is about one third of the baby's body and at birth baby's head is only ¼ the size of its body. Baby's body accelerates in growth as the fetal head slows down in growth. Baby's face is more human like now; eyes that started out at the sides are now closer together on the face. External genitalia have developed enough so a male can be distinguished from a female baby. Our baby's vocal cords have begun to form. Our baby's hand is structurally complete and consists of 27 bones held together by a complex network of ligaments. Similarly baby's foot is also completely formed with the toes, heel and bones all in place.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

12 Weeks

 Our baby is about 2½ inches (6cm) long and weighs ¼ of an oz. Small amount of hair are beginning to cover baby's body, fingernails and toenails are beginning to grow, and our baby's first permanent tooth buds are forming. The digestive system is able to produce contractions that push food through the bowels. It is also able to absorb sugar. The thyroid gland has started to function and the fetal nervous system is beginning to mature. The amniotic sac which houses our baby contains about 1½ oz of fluid and by the time of delivery, the sac will contain about 3-4 cups of fluid. The doctor is able to detect baby's heartbeat from now on using a Doppler, but we did that a few weeks back

A thing that i forgot adding last week.  The would be baby is moving very much in the womb. Me, Daksh and Shivam all have heard the same and enjoyed.  Pooja is still not able to eat much but better than before.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

11 Weeks

Our baby is approximately 1¾ - 2½ inches (4.4-6 cm) in length and weighs about 0.3 oz (8gm). Our baby is about the size of a large lime. Fetal growth is rapid now. The head makes up nearly half of its length. Fingernails appear. Our baby's external genitalia are beginning to show more distinguishing features and within another 3 weeks, the sex differentiation process will be complete. 

The vomiting sensations and weakness still prevails.  But at least Pooja now feels hungry every now and then.  On the 6th we have to go for the regular check up with doc.  Last 2-3 weeks have been night mare for her.  The last two pregnancies were not like this.  I still keep teasing her that she is carrying twins even though the sonography has detected only one fetus.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

10th Week

The end of week 10 is the end of the embryonic period and marks the beginning of the fetal period. Most congenital defects occur before the end of week 10. The critical part of our baby's development is safely behind. The tubes in our baby's lungs are fully formed and intestines have migrated from the umbilical cord into the abdominal cavity. Our baby's taste buds start to develop and if our baby is a girl, her ovaries start to descend into the pelvis. Our baby is still very lightweight and measures about 1½ to 1¾ inch long 3.1-4.2cm and weighs close to just 1/30th of an oz or 0.18 oz (5g).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

9 Weeks

On Saturday 16th June, Pooja completed 9 weeks of pregnancy.  Our baby is now a little more than an inch long roughly the size of a large grape, 2.2-3cm (1-1¼ in). Our baby's arms and legs are longer. The head is more erect, and the neck more developed. The eyelids almost cover the eyes. External ears are evident and well formed. Our baby now makes some movements and this can be captured via an ultrasound exam. The baby looks more recognizable as a human being, although it is still extremely tiny. It is not possible to make a distinction between a male and a female baby at this point. 

Troubles seem to be more rising than decrease,  Pooja had a dose of IV but is again feeling the weakness.  Vomiting sensations and vomits have increased.  Sometimes she tells me that we should not have gone for the baby, but definitely v will live thru the same.  She keeps on popping mint candies, avala supari etc one after another and tongue has gone dark blue like a jamun. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

8th Week

At about 36 days of development, our baby's ears begin to assume a more human shape. The baby is starting to resemble a newborn. The facial muscles begin to develop, the eyes begin to develop color, the eye muscles begin to form, the eyelids start to develop and the nerve fibers that connect the nose to the brain begin to form. In the heart, the valves are present and distinct. The body's trunk area is getting longer and straightening out. Elbows are present, and arms and legs extend forward. By the end of this week, our baby will be about 1.4-2cm (½ to ¾ in).  This also marks the beginning of the 3rd month of the 1st trimester.

Pooja' health conditions vary every day. One day she is  feeling good, the next day again the same vomiting sensations and weakness.  We plan to visit the doc tomorrow for check up and maybe for IV.   Now sometimes she gets the feeling that we should not have gone for the baby, but our expectations of a girl child is so great that both of us are ready to take any pain that may be accompanied.  Though we will never know the sex of the child till its birth but we have high hopes for holding a baby girl in our arms,  a sister for Shivam and Daksh.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

7th Week

Our baby's head is the largest part of the body - indicative of the rapid brain growth that has been occurring. All four chambers of the heart are now in place. Intestines are also developing but they are not yet encased inside your baby's body as yet. They bulge out into the umbilical cord. The crown to rump length of our growing baby measures at 4 to 5 mm (0.16-0.2 in). 

By the 7th week of pregnancy, baby is 1/3 of an inch to 1/2 of an inch long — barely the length of our pinky fingernail.Our baby's face becomes more defined . Its mouth, nostrils, and ears begin to appear.

On personal front still continuing to have severe vomiting sensations.  Seems like we have to go to the doctor for an early check up.  Still cannot eat much.  We did the Sonography on the 31st of May and the report is perfectly ok.  The heart beat is shown as 129 bpm.  

Monday, May 28, 2012

6th Week

This week marks the beginning of the embryonic period which spans from the 6th to 10th weeks of pregnancy or the 4th or 8th weeks of fetal development. This period is crucial for our baby's organ development. Most malformations originate during this critical period. Although our baby's heart is no bigger than a poppy seed right now, it may be possible to see baby's heartbeat on an ultrasound screen; our baby's lungs have formed and the brain is beginning to develop. Over the next 5 months, more than 100 billion neurons will be formed in the brain, laying the necessary groundwork for a lifetime of learning. By the end of this week, our baby will be 2-4mm (0.08-0.16 in) long from crown to rump (distance from the top of the baby's head to its rump or buttocks). 

Personally Pooja is unable to eat much and has aversion to all types of smells including incense sticks.  But loves some perfumes and feels like eating vada sambar... but i again forgot to get it for her.  She gets angry at unknown things and reasons... but better than last 2 weeks. today 28th may we visited the doctor and she confirmed all is well and going as per the normal conditions.  weight is upto 72 kgs something.  Slowly she is getting more and more cute.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Pooja's 5th week pregnancy

Ok its late to start but its never too late...this is how our 5 week old baby might wife pooja is already having morning sickness, lots of tiredness and and will continue till mid-july.  She started to hate certain type of foods and likes chocolates, bhaji pav etc etc...